News, Views and Stories

Mobilization and organization of women into farmer cooperatives

From small-scale farmers in ASM communities to paramount chiefs, government officials (MAF, Councils and SLARI), poultry…

Impact of SLCC support to mining communities

Case study 2 below illustrates the effectiveness of project interventions in terms of the far-reaching spill-over impacts created within the beneficiaries and between them and…

Support for the girl-child education in remote mining communities

Sixty five (65) female headed households were supported by Manos Unidas with various livelihood activities (seeds for vegetable farming, petty trading, purchase of a…

Linking Farmers To Market

Due to the poor road conditions and the remoteness of some of the ASM communities, access to services, especially markets continue to pose significant challenges for the 

Contribution to Improvement of Income and the Nutritional Situation at Community and District Level

SLCC interventions are widely endorsed at district level and quoting the region’s agricultural Director ‘’…SLCC project activities has strategic appeal to address many of the challenges…

Impact on the Women

Discussions at beneficiary household level consistently show that women (60%) have benefited in diverse ways from SLCC interventions. Traditionally seen as complementing the role of men and providers of labour in rural agriculture…

Impact on the Environment

Half of Kono district have had its environment and ecology blig hted by over 80 years of uncontrolled artisanal and large-scale mining activities rendering some communities with little or no land for agricultural activities…