From small-scale farmers in ASM communities to paramount chiefs, government officials (MAF, Councils and SLARI), poultry rearers and agro-traders at district level all agree that the introduction and capacity building for smallholder farmers in maize cultivation is very much in line with stakeholder development thinking in the district. Some have commented that, food insecurity would have worsened with negative consequences on women and children had the SLCC not implemented the maize project following the outbreak of COVID-19 in Kono district. Discussions with women participants at Bongema community (Case Study 1 in Box 1) confirms that the project is extremely relevant to the needs and priorities of women in ASM communities especially in relation to the perineal lack of access to economic opportunities, frequent food shortages and limited agronomic knowledge and skills.
The story of Isatu Barrie (age 43), female farmer and leader of the Bassamaya Farmers Cooperative, Bongema Village, Nimikoro Chiefdom (3/8/2020)
‘’Today, we have a lot of women interested to join our cooperative and we have just completed the cultivation of 5 acres of a corn field which we have inter-cropped with other food crops. This represent a major chance for us women to access finance, break the barrier of food shortages in our homes and the project is enhancing the nutrition and welfare of our children. We are very satisfied with this project’’.Isatu Barrie, leader of the Bassamaya Farmers Cooperative, Bongema village.