Our Activities
SLCC’s activities are anchored on three main pillars as follows: Pillar 1-Cooperative formation, Pillar 2-Capacity building for farmers and Pillar 3-Promotion of right to food & nutrition security in mining affected communities
Pillar 1: Cooperative formation
Organization of smallholder farm-families into viable cooperatives Formalization through registration of cooperatives at district and national levels;
Pillar 2: Capacity Building for Farmers:
-Provide agronomic trainings and environmentally-friendly farming methods (in vegetables and maize production);
-Provide improved planting /production inputs;
-Provision of processing skills and storage facilities.
-Create links between Cooperatives and other service providers at district level.
Pillar 3: Promotion of Right to Food & Nutritional Security in mining affected communities:
Food and nutritional security cannot be attained in the context of Sierra Leone without: •
Creating awareness among stakeholders about the impact of mining on the environment and climate change; • Engaging duty bearers to improve the framework conditions of farmers i.e. access to services and resources such as water and sanitation, land, finance and infrastructure; • Promoting gender and inclusive development practices; • Linking smallholder farmers to markets and socially amenable financial institutions (IFAD supported community banks) to support smallholder access to finance.